
Electromagnetic Simulation Software with Characteristic Mode Feature

Thanks to increasing industrial interest in applying characteristic modes in their commercial developments, several major electromagnetic software vendors have now implemented this feature, including:

  • FEKO, Altair (since FEKO Suite 6.2, September 2012)
  • CST (since version 2016)
  • WIPL-D (since version 13)
  • ANSYS HFSS (since Release 18.1)

Lund University (thanks to Dr. Zachary Miers) has prepared video instructions on how to use the basic capabilities of the CM feature of these software:

Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague has also released their electromagnetic software with CM features (both free and paid versions are available):

Kapil Saraswat of Central University of Rajasthan, India, has been developing a CMA tool with C++ in recent years. It is intended for both classroom and research use. He has offered to share a presentation of his software here. The program can use mesh generated by Python, Matlab or Altair FEKO. The plan is to release a version with proper GUI soon.

Lund University In-house Matlab Based Characteristic Mode Analysis Software

To promote the use of characteristic mode analysis to solve antenna problems, Lund University is publicly releasing the basic version of its in-house CM analysis software (developed from Makarov’s Method of Moments Matlab code by Dr. Zachary Miers), as well as a video with step-by-step instructions on how to use the software. The video also includes instructions on how to build and mesh the simulation model using open source software FreeCAD and Gmsh, respectively.

Please note that Lund University cannot offer any user support for the in-house matlab based CM software, neither can we guarantee its correctness. Use at your own risk.