
The SIG has an ongoing benchmarking activity led by Prof. Yikai Chen of University of Electronic Sciences of China (UESTC). All interested SIG members have been invited to participate.

Update: The first version of the full report of the benchmarking activity is now available for download here. The submitted data from all participating groups are also made available here (94.57Mb). The conference version of the full report is published in the 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, London, UK, 9-13 Apr. 2018. The conference presentation is available here (note that this version also compares in slide #39 the numerically calculated eigenvalues with the analytical ones for the case of PEC sphere, the analytical solution is provided by Dr. Miloslav Capek).

In the meantime, Dr. Miloslav Čapek of Czech Technical University and some other colleagues (mostly from the SIG) have been focusing on the benchmarking problem for a PEC sphere, for which analytical solutions of characteristic modes are available. He has made a webpage to summarize the achievements so far. Dr. Čapek has also provided some reference meshed structures which can be used for benchmarking (see below).


Reference Meshed Structures for Benchmarking

Dr. Miloslav Čapek of Czech Technical University has kindly provided the following mesh structures that can be used for benchmarking in CM research, for example in the tracking of characteristic modes over frequency.

Details and instructions of the mesh structures are given below:

In the zip archive, there are six folders with six various (planar) structures. They are ordered according rapidly increasing complexity, from the simple ones (like a dipole) to the challenging examples (an IFS fractal or a spherical shell). Even more complex structures can be added while the simpler ones will satisfactory be solved (PIFAs, fractals of higher iteration, …).

The frequency range is specified in a file “ExX_description.txt” (“X” is the order of the example). The mesh in the form of [p]~points and [t]~triangles is always provided, including eps and pdf screenshot.

The examples are namely:

1) Thin-strip dipole, 300x5mm, 220 triangles, from: 0.3 GHz, to: 3.3GHz

2) U-slotted plate, 400x400mm, 300mmx100mm slot, 290 triangles, from: 0.1 GHz, to: 2 GHz

3) Circular disk, r=50mm, 316 triangles, from: 0.5 GHz, to: 3.5 GHz

4) Split ring, (3xU), 1394 triangles, from: 0.5 GHz, to: 2.5GHz

5) IFS fractal, 100x63mm, 518 triangles, from: 0.5 GHz, to: 3.5GHz

6) Sphere, r=1m, 500 triangles, from: 0.01 GHz, to: 0.35GHz

If you would like to plot the meshes in Matlab, use attached code (plotMesh) and copy following commands into Matlab:

load(‘Ex1_mesh.mat’, ‘mesh’);


If you are interesting in the original structures (e.g. for further post-processing), open the Illustrator file(s), merge all triangles and export all points into the Matlab e.g. via SVG format.